
Healthy wealthy is an eCommerce website and the motto of proposed website solution is to provide online selling and buying of the products over the website where admin can sell their products by adding products in HWB store and Businesses can post their products for over the website with their respective details but products added by Businesses will be purchasable and customers will be able to purchase only HWB products by searching the products over website with the help of categories or by entering keyword and the products will be shown and then they will be able to purchase the products by paying respective amount through payment gateway integrated over website.

Why they choose US?

HealthyWealthy has chosen us for our ability to develop complex websites and providing efficient solutions with logical approach to the requirements. The website has only single version that is running successfully from the date it was released.

What we  served them?

The project involves development of a PHP5 based online eCommerce website. This site facilitate the user to register over website and then can search for HWB products and products added by Vendors under HWH entering keyword or by categories then as per that the list of products will be shown, customers can select the products can view its details. Business will be able to register over website by subscribing for the membership and then can list the products they offer. Customer will be able to purchase the HWB products over the website by paying respective amount through payment gateway integrated over website but customers will not be able to purchase the products added by the vendors over website but can request for the information of the products by sending contact request.

Technical Configuration:

  • freameworkFrameworkCodeigniter

  • toolToolNetbeans 8.2

  • languageLanguagePHP5, AJAX, jQuery,

    Java scripts

  • databaseDatabaseMySQL

  • serverServerAppache

Client Feedback

Alex (Our Client) said: “Manish & his team have gone above &beyond to bring my vision to life. LogicSpice is a must hire! From communication to final development, I am impressed & forever grateful! Peace to my family in India”

We continue to provide expertise and services in support of healthy wealthy ongoing program of website development.