
"HoloolTicketing" serve as an attractive medium for managing support tickets raised for user’s technical problems or queries. This system will facilitate agents to raise tickets for each problems or queries of their customers. Agents will be able to login with their email over the system. They will be able to raise two types of tickets by submitting basic information in the form. They can then assign tickets to concerned team to fix specific problem.

Why they choose US?

HoloolTicketing choose LogicSpice for its ability to develop for complex websites, and the first HoloolTicketing website version was released in the April of 2016.

What we  served them?

The motto of proposed web solution is to provide online management of support tickets that will be offered by administrator that would be a User Centric, User Oriented and would be easy to navigate and use.

Technical Configuration:

  • freameworkFrameworkCodeigniter

  • toolToolNetbeans 8.2

  • languageLanguagePHP5, AJAX, jQuery,

    Java scripts

  • databaseDatabaseMySQL

  • serverServerAppache

Client Feedback

sasalamah (Our client) said:""Excellent work"”

LogicSpice continues to provide expertise and services in support of HoloolTicketing ongoing program of website development.