
Martgram app serves as “Online Marketplace Android & iPhone app” in English & Arabic, for sellers & buyers. Here sellers can register using email or Instagram accounts and can select category under which they need to list their products. They can submit required details of products and can enter title & description in English/Arabic language, rest other details will be submitted in English. Buyers can login & can search for sellers in their region and view products listed by them over apps. They can place orders for their desired products over apps. Sellers can then receive orders and can buyers can make payment manually to the sellers. Both buyers and sellers can post review ratings over each other and can send/receive messages to/from each other over app. Sellers can also view their Instagram followers and followings over apps.

Why They Choose Us:

Martgram app  has chosen us for our ability to develop complex website and providing efficient solutions with logical approach to the requirements. The website has only single version that is running successfully from the date it was released.

Technical Configuration:

  • freameworkFrameworkCocoa Touch

  • toolToolXcode

  • languageLanguageObjective C, PHP 5.5.x, AJAX,

    jQuery, Java scripts

  • databaseDatabaseMySQL

  • serverServerLinux