As the best online exam software company, we provide you with the best online exam web & mobile app solution that will serve as an attractive platform for the candidates to take various online tests. Candidates can view all exam details on their dashboard and can apply for it. They can see the history of all applied exams and can view detailed exam results and download score cards.

  • Easy test maker online
  • Engaging
  • Responsive website (mobile friendly)
  • White labeled script
  • Highly scalable & robust
  • Complete Powerful Solution
  • Timer to perform online test
  • One time License Fee

Online Exam Software Features

This online exam test script will help you to build online exam test portal where teacher or admin can automate their examination process smoothly. Students or user can apply for that test easily.
  • imgSecurely Login

    Student can login securely on the portal using Email Addresss or Google/LinkedIn.

  • imgManage Profile

    Student can view their profile & can manage their Profile.

  • imgView Test

    Student can view all test added by Admin for each subject & can apply for test.

  • imgTake Online Test

    Student can take online test after login. After applying for the test Student will be able to see the instruction page & once they read all instruction they can start the test.

  • imgView Applied Test

    User can view number of applied tests along with all exam analysis details under Exam Histories Section. They can also download score card certificate.

  • imgView Result

    Students will be able to view detailed exam analysis like number of marks obtained, number of attended/not attended questions, number of correct/wrong answers along with score card certificate.

  • imgView Correct Answer

    Student will be able to view correct answer after submission of the test on View Result page.

  • imgView Announcements

    User will be able to view announcements on the Front page of the Portal.

  • imgDownload Certificate

    Students can download their score card certificates of all applied exams.

  • imgExam Report

    Students will be able to view statistical report of overall exam analysis and detailed exam analysis like total number of questions, number of correct answers, wrong answers, number of attended/Non-attended questions, overall marks obtained etc.

  • imgView Recent Exams

    Students can view details of recent exams given along with applicant name,their scores.

  • imgView all Exam History

    Students can view details like Exam Name,Number of questions,Number of Right/Wrong Answers,Score and date of exam.

What does our Online Test Exam Portal Script do for you?

LogicSpice offers Online Test Exam Portal Script to build Online test portal for their Students.

Online Test Exam Portal is platform to keep track of student's capabilities and test them.

Online Exam portal is essential for Colleges, Universities, Teachers, Professors, Employees, Partners, Technicians.

It would be helpful for folks within the educational development of children to enhance their instructional skills.

Online Exam PHP Script will be User-Friendly, Responsive, Offering several types of questions, Give Scorecard etc.

As per the client requirement we can customise the native mobile application.

Subscription Model

Experience convenience like never before with our subscription-based hassle-free model, available at just USD 45 per month, limited offer available for the first year.

Key Benefits:

  • Lifetime Updates: Enjoy complimentary updates for your software version throughout its lifespan.
  • Timely Upgrades: Seamlessly transition to upgraded versions at regular intervals, all at no extra cost.
  • Zero Setup Fees:- There are no additional charges for the setup and installation of the software, making it easier for customers to get started.
  • Unlimited Online Test Listings: List as many test postings as you need without any limitations.
  • Effortless Program Operation: Revel in robust bandwidth that guarantees your program runs flawlessly, supported by resources allocated to your subscription model. Any increase in allocated resources will incur additional charges beyond the standard subscription model.
  • Enduring Support: We are committed to providing lifelong assistance through our subscription model. If any software issues arise, our dedicated technical team will promptly address them during office hours.
  • Personalized Customization Assistance: Delivering Custom Features According to Client Requirements at additional cost.

Discover a new era of convenience and efficiency with our subscription offering. Subscribe today and elevate your experience with our readymade solution!

Delivered Solution

Buy Now

26 Reviews

The solution offered by Logicspice provides several advantages that can assist you in expanding your business within the competitive market. Here are some key benefits outlined below:

  • Obtain a lifetime license for your domain under the pro license with a one-time fee.
  • Enjoy free installation of the software for the first time.
  • Benefit from a white-labelled solution featuring your branding, logo, and content at no additional cost.
  • Access custom features according to your specific requirements, available at an additional charge.
  • Receive three months of complimentary support for any bugs or issues you encounter.
  • Experience efficient communication channels via email, WhatsApp, Google Meet, Skype, Zoom and Teams.

For details on an Enterprise license, please contact us.

Script Update History

V1.0 - May 15th, 2020 - PHP framework upgrade to Laravel and other major improvements!

  • PHP framework upgrade to Laravel.
  • Flexible Start time for Exam : Now admin have ability to decide Whether all the exams would start on the same time, or candidate can participate at any point of time.
  • Payment feature for every test paper: Every student needs to purchase a test paper before participating in the exam.
  • Change test paper design : Test paper layout has been improved.
  • Exam Timer in milliseconds : Students can view exam timer in milliseconds also.
  • Time period: Students are able to view time period spent in the test paper.
  • More SEO friendly with content keyword and description management in the admin panel.
  • Google analytics tracking code management in the admin panel.
  • How it works content images and title management in the admin panel.
  • Sharing(AddThis API) tool added to share the exam details over the popular social media websites.

Best Partner Company For Your Technological Solutions!

Used Technologies and Server Requirements

  • CakePHP Development
  • HTML5
  • MySQL
  • Apache
  • Browsers - Firefox 32.6+, Chrome 20.0+, Opera 30.0+, Safari 5+, IE 9+
  • Framework - Cakephp
  • Language - PHP 5.6+, AJAX, jQuery
  • Design - HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript
  • Database - MySQL 5.5+
  • Server - Apache 2.4+

What support you will get?

  • manager_icn
    Free Support
  • manager_icn
    Free Brand Removal
  • manager_icn
    Free Installation
  • manager_icn
    Easily scalable

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5 stars
"We needed a customized Online Exam Portal for our Online Exam to manage Users. Logicspice has provided us with the right online solution. Thanks!""We needed a customized Online Exam Portal for our Online Exam to manage Users. Logicspice has provided us with the right online solution. Thanks!"
Sagar., India mobile app development in India
"Recently I purchased the Online Exam Portal Script to launch my own online Exam Software from LS(Logicspice) and it worked really nice. Buying this script was worth as they have provided me with full source code & I was able to customize it. Highly Recommended!!!!!!"
Alen, USA mobile app development in USA
"Online Exam Portal was easy to use & useful for My Educational Institute which helps us to create Test for Students"
Robert, New York mobile app development in USA
"LogicSpice is the best IT Service Provider. I would highly recommend it for any Institutes or Organization which is looking for Online Exam Portal."
Selina, Atlanta mobile app development in USA

Quick FAQ

How can a candidate search for online exams?

Candidates can view a list of all exams on their Dashboard.

Admin can manage (add/edit/delete) test papers along with other details.

Candidates will take the online test in the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) pattern.

Yes, they can see detailed exam results along with all the details.

Yes, candidates can download a Score Certificate Copy.

Yes, we have provided Sign Up/Login using Google and LinkedIn.

Yes, candidates will be able to view the number of correct and wrong answers after submitting the test.

Yes, candidates can see all the exams they have appeared for under the Exam History section.

Yes, you will have access to all the code, except some core encrypted files.

You will be licensed to use it only for the domain you purchased it for.

No, you can't resell the script. All rights will remain with Logicspice only.

Yes, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to ensure customer satisfaction with our software. If for any reason, you wish to discontinue using the product, you can ask us for a refund. We will refund your total money except for the installation and configuration charges, which are USD 65 or 20% of the application cost, whichever is greater.

We recommend you purchase an SSL certificate along with a hosting server, considering that an SSL certificate is necessary for all websites these days, providing a secure layer to the website.

Online Exam Software Features

Student Profile
My Dashboard
Students can view all exams list and can apply for it

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