

If you have got any business idea or any other idea through which you want to help other people and want an online application for that purpose to make your goal achievement smooth and easy process, you should defiinitley plan for web or mobile application development services for this.

– Evaluate your idea.

– Find the ways to make it success

– Research for possible revenue generating avenues.

– Chalk out the project plan

– Arrange the funding for your idea

– Discuss with us about your idea and it’s implementation as web or mobile app.

How it works

LogicSpice is known for the convenience it provides to the clients and if you are searching for a development team that you can choose by your own after testing then LogicSpice is the right place for your requirement. We follow a process that is suitable for our clients and in that process clients can check whatever it is seeking in a development team for its full time or part time development project.

Steps Involved:

Client’s Request: – Our clients can give their development request after inquiring about all the details associated with the project with our management team. After placing your request our team approaches to the client for further discussion on the project about the scope, time, and minute details that has to be considered.

Interview: – After placing the request, our management team arrange a set up where client can interview our team members and according to that can choose from the wide pool of professionals.

Selection Process: – After the completion of interview and determining the capabilities of the developers our clients can provide us the list of names, which is required for the project. The client can also specify whether the hiring is for full time or part time.

Contract & Payment: – To maintain the transparency in our work we frame contract between client and LogicSpice in which all the details about the payment, project delivery, allocation of resource and other required information is stated.

We ensure to do a great support soon after delivery because customer is new to the application and if there is any problem, we provide support to fix them.
