This website is a “Racing Cartel Tipping Platform” that hosts horse race competitions where users can join competitions by doing payments. When they join any competition, they are able to add the tips for the races and are able to view the number of races each week and they can view prize pools as well. They are able to view the details of the competition for which they joined, also able to view how many users has joined that competition already and when those races are going to start. Also they are able to see the results of a particular competition in detail like weekly rankings, competition rankings etc. Website owner can add competitions and race information of every week. Administrator will upload & publish the results, and all the published results will get displayed to the users on their Leaderboard.


Technical Configuration:

  • freameworkFrameworkCakePHP

  • toolToolNetbeans 8.2

  • languageLanguagePHP

  • databaseDatabaseMySQL

  • serverServerAppache