
Yolodome.com is an online travel website that provides users with facility to book a place to stay. Users can search for suitable rental places across the world. This website provides different categories of places from apartments to bungalow. Users are provided to search & select place to stay using filter options i.e. search place according to rooms, price, location, facilities, space etc. Users can select & book their appropriate accommodations such as boat, house, hut, tent, villa, castle and many more. User needs to register himself to book a place or can simply login, if already registered.

Why they choose US?

Yolodome has chosen us for our ability to develop complex websites and providing efficient solutions with logical approach to the requirements. The website has only single version that is running successfully from the date it was released.

What we  served them?

The project involves development of a PHP5 based online marketplace website for private accommodation related services. It allows Landlords to post accommodations by providing the details over website. Customers can search for accommodation by entering the location, check in date, check out date and number of guest or by filtering through categories listed over the site then can select the accommodation to see its full details over the website. Customers can check the availability of the accommodation through calendar and if it is available then they can book by paying respective amount through payment gateway integrated over website. Users can create trip plan in their profile that will be visible to other users and they can join the conversation and can join the trip. We have created the front-end using JavaScript libraries like AJAX, jQuery for a user-friendly interface and to reduce the load speed.

Technical Configuration:

  • freameworkFrameworkCodeigniter

  • toolToolNetbeans 8.2

  • languageLanguagePHP5, AJAX, jQuery,

    Java scripts

  • databaseDatabaseMySQL

  • serverServerAppache

Client Feedback

Our Client said: “Excellent result on the project. Fast respond on queries and requests. Definitely the go for team for more projects”

We continue to provide expertise and services in support of Yolodome’s ongoing program of website development.